Sometimes we have stubborn pockets of fat we just can’t get rid of no matter how healthy our diet and workout routine is. As many as 80% of women will develop cellulite in their lifetime. Pure Beauty Medical Spa doesn’t believe you should have to live with cellulite. That’s why we offer truSculpt by Cutera, a revolutionary non-invasive fat reduction system.

Cellulite Reduction at its Finest
truSculpt is the newest innovation in body contouring. This amazing technology can reduce your cellulite by up to 25%. truSculpt uses the science of fat cell temperature manipulation, targeting fatty tissue with radiofrequency heat. Fat cell membranes are more fragile than those of surrounding tissues, so heating them causes membrane damage and cell death while leaving nearby tissue cells unharmed. Cutera’s proprietary low frequency and technology delivery targets the entire layer of fat, not just individual cells, for more even, more effective reduction of fat cells in the treatment area. Once the cells are damaged, your body naturally metabolizes them out. It’s a revolution for the body contouring process in cosmetic rejuvenation clinics around the world. You can sculpt your form to your liking no matter how stubborn your fatty tissues and cellulite may be. truSculpt is the answer we’ve all been waiting for!
Am I a Good Candidate?
Ideal candidates for truSculpt body contouring are those within 30 pounds of their ideal weight with a BMI of less than 30. truSculpt is not designed as a treatment for significant weight loss. You should also not have truSculpt if you have a medical device, such as a pacemaker, or you have a tumor in the treatment area. Schedule your truSculpt consultation with Dr. Charles J. Sarosy today.
What is the Treatment Like?
truSculpt sessions are surprisingly quick, taking an hour or less, and many patients require only 2-4 treatments spread over a 4-6 week period. During your procedure, the truSculpt handpiece is moved rhythmically over the treatment area, heating your tissues to disrupt fat cell membranes. Many patients describe the sensation to that of a hot stone massage. The warmth you experience is not dangerous or uncomfortable. Depending on the number of treatment areas, you’re on your way in under an hour, and for some, as quick as 15 minutes.
Downtime and Results
There truly is no downtime with truSculpt treatments. Your skin will feel warm and flushed for about an hour following your appointment, and you may experience a day or so of tenderness, but there are no activity restrictions.
Each session may reduce your fat cells in the treatment area by 25%. Patient results vary due to individual genetics and the amount of fat being targeted, which means some people may see results quickly, within the first 4 weeks following the initial treatment, while others will experience their peak results after 12 weeks. The best part? We’re born with all the fat cells we’ll produce in a lifetime, so once truSculpt has targeted your problem fat cells and they’re filtered through the body’s metabolic process, they’re gone. For good. Maintain your new shape with a healthy lifestyle to keep the remaining cells from plumping.
The Pure Beauty Medical Spa team knows how difficult it can be to get the body you want through diet and exercise. So why not try truSculpt? All you have to lose is the cellulite
Take the Next Step
Interested in learning about truSculpt body contouring? Schedule your consultation with Pure Beauty Skin Care & Medical Spa today by calling one of our two locations in Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 326-9009, or Newport Beach (949) 236-6001.